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Welcome to Tinker Bell Talks!
Tinker Bell Flying
Margaret Kerry's Autographed Items
Margaret Kerry AKA Tinker Bell
Come follow Margaret's pathway to becoming the animators' original reference model for Tinker Bell in Walt Disney's legendary movie, PETER PAN.    Explore... new galleries featuring Margaret's TV and film career, and don't miss the treasure chest of available artwork and memorabilia...many signed by Margaret herself...and/or other Disney personalities.

While we specialize in autographed Disney products with an emphasis on Tinker Bell/Peter Pan items, we also carry a broad range of Disney and family oriented products in the world of movies and TV. 

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Click The Video Below To Watch Margaret Kerry's Welcome Message

   In this five minute video below, you're going to see me...Margaret Kerry.  I'm at work on Sound Stage 1 at Disney Studios being  filmed as Tinker Bell for the 1953 classic Peter Pan... I was cast in the role of "Little Miss Tinker Bell" to act out her scenes for the film... A Guide for the animators.

   I became the live-action reference model for the world's most famous pixie. 

   You will also see me as one of the "Little Rascals" (when I was four years old) dancing in an RKO film...stills from "The Three Stooges" TV series...The Andy Griffith Show...ABC Network Show...The Redheaded Mermaid  In Peter Pan... But... off to Sound Stage 1 at Disney Studios in Burbank, Neverland.
Tinker Bell Flying

Click on the "Tinker Bell Welcomes You!" 

Audio Arrow for a fun experience!

Click the Pause button to stop the audio anytime.

Audio by James Presley

Tinker Bell Welcomes You!
00:00 / 00:18
Peter Pan Flying
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